Please note that fees are listed with every category in the online registration application.
Competition Rules / General Rules & Information / Payment Details / Fees
● A studio may not compete against itself in the same category with the same identical performers
● The same dancer(s) competing with two or more solos may do so, but only their highest scoring entry will be eligible for Elite Solo Award.
● Dancers must be in full costume and ready to perform at least 30 minutes before their scheduled time.
● All dancers are to report backstage to the NFDC Manager 2 items before their scheduled routine.
● All entries will perform in the order that they are scheduled. If an entry needs to perform out of the scheduled order, it must be performed before the category is over.
● Videotaping and/or taking photographs is strictly prohibited. Participating studios will be disqualified if any studio member, participant, or spectator is caught doing so. Studio owners must make the members of their studio aware of this rule.
● Second performance attempts will be permitted and will be adjudicated. They will receive a medal and score but will not qualify for a placing or overall award.
● Any entry, displaying suggestive or inappropriate content will be disqualified. NFD Challenge is a family friendly competition and we will strive to keep it this way.
● Please be advised that studios will be held responsible for any damages to change rooms. Any personal belongings, costumes or dance apparel left behind at the competition will not be the responsibility of Northern Force Dance Challenge.
● Props for entries may be placed backstage during the competition. Set up and take down on stage needs to be done in a speedy manner by studio members.
● Teachers, parents and dancers must display proper conduct at all times. Anyone displaying rude and/or poor behaviour can be refused participation which will also result in loss of entry fees. This includes inappropriate comments made on social media.
● Prior to the competition, a schedule will be sent by email to all studios entered.
● Should there be a tie between any of the top scorers, our Adjudicators will choose a winner at their own discretion.
● All Adjudication decisions are final.

2. Early Bird discount for all fees if entries submitted by FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8, 2024.
3. Studios are accepted on a first come first serve basis as space is limited.
4. Northern Force Dance Challenge reserves the right to cancel any competition.
5. Northern Force Dance Challenge reserves the right to add an additional day to the stated schedule if deemed necessary.
1. Studio and Independent entries to register online on our website payment by E-transfer to [email protected] .
2. Registration fees are non-refundable for any reason including medical conditions.
Please note that fees are listed with every category in the online registration application.